New Year’s resolutions

First of all: Happy New Year everyone! Hope you had a great new year’s eve and I hope you will have a great year in 2013! 

It’s still a bit weird for me to think that we are actually in 2013 now! Crazy how fast time flies by! I remember when everyone used to say that you’ll be old before you know it and it seemed so silly to me. I couldn’t wait to grow up when I was little. Now I understand. Peter Pan is the dream! Though I suppose some people have to lose something before they can appreciate it. But it’s ok. I’m a little girl in certain things still and am happy to have found a boy who shares this childishness with me! ^^ ( ❤ Tony ) 

But that’s not what I wanted to write about today! Since it’s New Year’s day, New Year’s resolutions have to be made. I never really bothered with them. Never really saw the point in them, since I knew that I wouldn’t follow through with them anyway. 
This year, I’ll do it differently! I actually do believe that I should follow through with two things: Be more present online and be a bit more healthy/fit – aka do more exercise! So why not make these two things my New Year’s resolutions?! =)

The last few weeks – months even – have been a bit manic! But I suppose the Christmas period is manic for everyone! 
I have finally handed in my dissertation, which took me FAR too long to finish (and yet I’m not happy with the results… let’s wait and see what my lecturer thinks!). And so I enjoyed the last two week not having to worry about anything! For the first time since I’ve started Uni, I didn’t have to feel guilty for not doing work. What a strange feeling! So much freedom! So much time. So many things I can do!!! =) From now on it’ll involve lots of blogging and knitting as well (which I’ve neglected for far too long)! 

For now, Good night and Happy New Year once again! =)

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