Excitement can wear off.

So I was absolutely psyched when I first tried out the knitting machine and couldn’t wait to make something proper with it. The only thing was, because I wasn’t well trained in it yet, I couldn’t make anything “proper” with it. The only thing I knew how to do, without trying it out more and fussing too much with it, was stockinette stitch.
I ended up making a very plain, boring scarve. (I still need to finish that actually. Need to do something with the edges. Just haven’t figured out what yet). But now I have the pattern book for the machine. I’ve been meaning to try out a scarve/shawl with it and use the different patterns it can do. So far I haven’t gotten round to doing it. But hopefully this weekend I’ll get half hour or so to have a go at it! ^_^

I have started watching Breaking Bad last week. I am only half way through season 2 and already love it. Never understood what the fuss was about the show and never got round watching it. And now that it has come to an end, I have started watching it. typical 😀
Big benefit: Can watch it all in one go with no 6 months break in between. Don’t have to wait a week for the next episode.
Big disadvantage: most people have already seen it and when I try and talk to someone about it, chances that they will spoil something is VERY high. And I HATE spoilers. Especially with the big finale… everyone seems to be talking about it all over the internet and I am starting to get paranoid that I will find out what happens somehow, somewhere. That’s why I have stoped reading anything that contains “breaking bad” in it. If I see a glance of the show being mentioned on twitter or facebook I just stop reading that persons threats for a few days. lol

I might be able to combine these two things tomorrow: I might try out the knitting machine further while watching the breaking bad! 🙂