Getting back into Knitting… why not buy a new toy? :)

As mentioned in my last post, in the last 6-7 months I haven’t really done that much. It feels like my life was on hold.

So consequently, I haven’t done much dyeing or knitting either ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
I am going to change that and make sure to pick up on that hobby again. And what better way than to purchase a knitting machine? ๐Ÿ˜€
I borrowed my friends Knitting Machine to try it out and see how I get along with it. After having one look at it and having a look at how to get started, I was feeling dizzy already. It looked more complicated than it was in the end. After you get the hang of it, it is so easy and simple.
Took me a bit to figure out how to put it together and once done it looked more like tool to communicate with aliens. But after having a short go at it last night, I am very amazed. Within 2 minutes, I had few centimeters of stockinette stitch. That would have taken me ages to knit by hand! O.o

So tonight I will try out what else the machine can do. See the different patterns it can do, etc. And I already know my first project: A shawl.

I bet I will end up with a nice biig shawl within just a day or two. The shawl I started knitting by hand for my mom’s birthday still isn’t finished. I started that in April. It was due to be done in May. In time for my mom’s birthday. Now I doubt it’ll even be done before her next birthday and already I don’t like it anymore. Bet with the knitting machine I could finish a good selection of shawls for my mom before christmas! ๐Ÿ˜›

Well, I will post some pictures tomorrow. I might dye some yarn tonight to start some new projects over the weekend with it. ๐Ÿ™‚
