Excitement can wear off.

So I was absolutely psyched when I first tried out the knitting machine and couldn’t wait to make something proper with it. The only thing was, because I wasn’t well trained in it yet, I couldn’t make anything “proper” with it. The only thing I knew how to do, without trying it out more and fussing too much with it, was stockinette stitch.
I ended up making a very plain, boring scarve. (I still need to finish that actually. Need to do something with the edges. Just haven’t figured out what yet). But now I have the pattern book for the machine. I’ve been meaning to try out a scarve/shawl with it and use the different patterns it can do. So far I haven’t gotten round to doing it. But hopefully this weekend I’ll get half hour or so to have a go at it! ^_^

I have started watching Breaking Bad last week. I am only half way through season 2 and already love it. Never understood what the fuss was about the show and never got round watching it. And now that it has come to an end, I have started watching it. typical 😀
Big benefit: Can watch it all in one go with no 6 months break in between. Don’t have to wait a week for the next episode.
Big disadvantage: most people have already seen it and when I try and talk to someone about it, chances that they will spoil something is VERY high. And I HATE spoilers. Especially with the big finale… everyone seems to be talking about it all over the internet and I am starting to get paranoid that I will find out what happens somehow, somewhere. That’s why I have stoped reading anything that contains “breaking bad” in it. If I see a glance of the show being mentioned on twitter or facebook I just stop reading that persons threats for a few days. lol

I might be able to combine these two things tomorrow: I might try out the knitting machine further while watching the breaking bad! 🙂

Getting back into Knitting… why not buy a new toy? :)

As mentioned in my last post, in the last 6-7 months I haven’t really done that much. It feels like my life was on hold.

So consequently, I haven’t done much dyeing or knitting either 😦
I am going to change that and make sure to pick up on that hobby again. And what better way than to purchase a knitting machine? 😀
I borrowed my friends Knitting Machine to try it out and see how I get along with it. After having one look at it and having a look at how to get started, I was feeling dizzy already. It looked more complicated than it was in the end. After you get the hang of it, it is so easy and simple.
Took me a bit to figure out how to put it together and once done it looked more like tool to communicate with aliens. But after having a short go at it last night, I am very amazed. Within 2 minutes, I had few centimeters of stockinette stitch. That would have taken me ages to knit by hand! O.o

So tonight I will try out what else the machine can do. See the different patterns it can do, etc. And I already know my first project: A shawl.

I bet I will end up with a nice biig shawl within just a day or two. The shawl I started knitting by hand for my mom’s birthday still isn’t finished. I started that in April. It was due to be done in May. In time for my mom’s birthday. Now I doubt it’ll even be done before her next birthday and already I don’t like it anymore. Bet with the knitting machine I could finish a good selection of shawls for my mom before christmas! 😛

Well, I will post some pictures tomorrow. I might dye some yarn tonight to start some new projects over the weekend with it. 🙂


All good things come in 3…

So, after my 2nd attempt… 4 months ago… I still didn’t manage to write in my blog as often as I wanted to. or at all.
It’s weird how after I started my new job, I was happy to have my job – and I still am, don’t get me wrong – but it just feels like it was sucking all my energy. In the past 6-7 months, my life had come to a stop and it was only work. Which is really, really sad if you think about it. I got engaged and decided to buy a house in the last 7 months.
I suppose that’s why you shouldn’t do all these 3 things (starting a new job, getting engaged and buying a house) all in such a short amount of time. But I did. And that’s why I haven’t really spent enough time enjoying each as much as I should have maybe. That’s why I am grateful that I will get to enjoy my engagement until 2015. And I had enough time enjoying my new job as my “new” job. Now it’s my job. I still like it. I still enjoy what I do. It’s just not new anymore (which is not necessarily a bad thing lol)

 I will have to give myself room to enjoy the new house now. It’ll be good. 🙂 I won’t talk about it, post pictures or anything, as I don’t want to jinx it! It still doesn’t feel real to me. I still feel like I will get a letter or a call any minute that will say that we can’t have the house. I’d rather have this feeling and be surprised in a good way and be in the house all of a sudden and be able to call it my own, then to be really excited about it, just to experience disappointment at the end.

So, maybe, this time – 3rd time round – I can actually be good and manage my time better and not be so lazy. 🙂






Better late than never!

So after all my new year’s resolution of saying that I would be posting more this year and stick to it this time, it’s been 5 months since my last post. So really I’ve been doing worse than last year when I started this blog. At least than I had just a week or a few weeks before posts. woops.

Well, new day, new try…

It’s crazy how much can happen in such a short amount of time, isn’t it? I had a few sales in my shop. Then stopped posting new items. Though, I haven’t stopped making them. But to be honest, I gave a lot of it to friends and family as so many people seem to be pregnant at the moment. O.o
Shame non of the babies will be close to me! I miss having a baby close by! (not saying that I want my own any time soon. I’ll start planning that in a few years! =P )

I’ve started a new job about 3 months ago. It’s a sort of role I thought I”d never end up in. It had never crossed my mind. But when I saw the add I just went for it anyway, thinking that I wouldn’t be picked anyway, and here I am several months later… happy as can be. I absolutely adore my job! ^^

And to top it all off, Tony proposed to me last week! O.o So happy! I’ll post another entry with pictures of where he took me, but basically he took me to a picnic in the woods. Then, after having seen my first waterfall ever, we went on a mountain overviewing the waterfall and everything, and after a nice picnic he went down on one knee and asked me! 🙂

That means, my future posts might include loads about wedding stuff! =D

Winter-wonderland or Winter-horrorland?

I love snow! It’s always been my favourite! I prefer it over christmas, but appreciate it anytime!

People in Britain seem to disagree I think. As soon as it snows, the whole country seems to get to a standstill! A few inches of snow and everybody starts panicking. Schools and businesses shut down… There are so many countries out there that have ten times more snow and cope perfectly well!
I know, I know, they are much better prepared for it! Especially if the country gets that much snow each year, they’ll have precautions, etc.  But still, it’s sad that other countries seem to be fine with snow and Britain just crumbles as soon as there is a few inches!

I don’t know how it was for the rest of the country, but the snow we had and have here in Cardiff is actually quite bad. The first day of snow was amazing. It was really a winter wonderland! =) It was proper snow and no ice… I’m glad to have been able to enjoy that day! went out for a nice long walk and took some pictures…
After that it started going downhill! =( The weather got a bit warmer, so the snow started to melt, and that meant ice! The next day it snowed a bit more, but then it warmed up again and all of that turned into ice as well! So for a week now it’s been going warm – cold – warm – cold…. never warm enough for the snow and ice to disappear. Only enough for the snow to melt enough to turn into ice as soon as it goes cold again.

It’s really annoying to walk in that sort of snow as well! It’s so watery… Usually I hate those waterproof boots. I think they look ridiculous! But in this weather they actually make perfect sense!
You’d think living in Cardiff, where it constantly rains, I would have invested in waterproof shoes by now… but nope… I finally bought a raincoat but no shoes yet. Silly really! Should be my next purchase!

Also another thing that is pissing me off about this weather: Royal Mail! I could have sworn that I saw them opposite our street yesterday… but they haven’t been to our street in two days now! I am so annoyed! They better come today! =( Don’t understand why they’d be skipping us!!! =(

I wish we had the proper winter wonderland rather than this slushy, weird snowy-ice stuff. oh well. We had one day and I’ll keep that in memory and hope for more next year! ^^  (or rather christmas this year!)


Feline Paralysis

Do you have specific rules in your household for when you have a cat on your lap?

I thought Tony and I are really odd for doing this, but when one of us has a cat on their lap, the other one has to “help” that person. With that I mean, say if Tony had Lulu on his lap and he was thirsty, I would have to get a drink for him, or if he needed the remote and it was out of reach, I would get it for him.

It turns out, we are actually not the only ones who do this! And there is actually an even more extreme case! =D I just read this article where a household has proper rules about what happens when a cat is on someone’s lap!


As the article already says, this must be really strange and silly to non cat owners, but I’m always really happy when my cats show me affection and especially if they sit on my lap (which sadly doesn’t happen that often) I really don’t want to push them off!
Especially with Rikku! With her, these rules would apply not only if she were on my lap (I think the last time that happened was when she was neutered last year) but also if she was lying really close to me! Rikku doesn’t show her affection that often so we try to make the most out of it whenever she actually does!

As I mentioned, the last time she lay on my lap was when she was neutered… she was still sleepy from her operation so she spent all evening on my lap. I just didn’t have the heart to move her. So she lay there until I was really desperate for the bathroom and until my legs fell asleep!


Do you have rules like these in your household as well? =)

Post Uni thoughts!

I still can’t get used to the fact that I’ve finished my dissertation and have “mental freedom”… it sounds so silly. And I’m technically still a student! (won’t be fully finished until I receive my Bachelor certificate… )  And I know Tony will say “pfft, what freedom”, seeing that I still have the pressure of finding a full-time, permanent job, which is a pain! -__-

But think about it, just two months ago, when I’d be watching TV I still had my dissertation on the back of my mind. Worrying. Feeling guilty that I’m enjoying myself rather than working…. and that was in addition to trying to apply for jobs! But now… I need to apply still, yes, but the rest of the time I can actually do whatever I want and not feel guilty about it! It’s crazy how much you can actually enjoy things, when you don’t have to worry about Uni!! =D

I have loads of friends who are into games. And some actually blog about it and now they have gone into the gaming industry. I was always really impressed at how they managed to balance playing games, blogging about it and at the same time attend Uni full time! I always struggled with just balancing games and Uni!
Now, I can finally enjoy games! There are so many games that I want to play! I think the first one will be Final Fantasy XIII! I know that a lot of people really disliked it! (Including Tony, who is an absolute fan of Final Fantasy and has played almost all of them!) BUT I really like the storyline and I hate starting something and not finishing it! It’ll haunt me forever otherwise! Also, it’s a good introduction I suppose to Final Fantasy XIV… I know Tony will highly disagree with me! And I know that the game play and everything is completely different… but I suppose I just want to have finished at least one of the FF games before I start playing the MMO for it!

In my shame I must admit, until Portal 2 came out, I did not realise that there was a storyline to Portal! I thought it’s just a really, really good riddle game! Since I’ve found out, I really need to finally finish Portal as well so I can go on with Portal 2 (I refuse to go on playing Portal 2 until I’ve finished the 1st one! lol )

I could write a huuuuge list of tons of games that I want to and need to finish, but let’s keep it at this for now! I’m off to play some FF XIII now I think! ^^

Weight loss and all that stuff following the new year…

So Tony found this new app today. You fill out what your weight, age and height is. Then you type in how much weight you want to lose in what time, and it calculates the calorie intake you should have! 
I don’t like this app! =D Actually, it’s a really good idea! BUT you can keep a diary of all the food you have (you can even just scan the barcode and type in how many grams you’ve had of it, and it’ll tell you how many calories you’ve had)… but according to that app, I’ve had almost 2000kcal too much today! O.o 
Not happy at all with that! 

It’s one thing to get carried away and eat way too much christmas stollen, but another to actually see how bad you’ve been! 

So tomorrow I’ll try and keep a diary again, and I’ll try and keep to the calorie intake that I SHOULD have… we’ll see how that goes. And I might actually be a bit more active tomorrow and follow my New Year’s resolution and do some exercise…. ….. …. =D 
Let’s hope I won’t be as lazy as today! =D 

Good start into 2013

I had a bit of a weird start into 2013!

I was offered to work in a shop from 9am – 6pm … that meant getting up early and giving up spending Tony’s last day off of work with him, BUT it also meant getting almost £100 just for one day’s work! Couldn’t say no to that! =D Especially after spending so much on gifts over christmas! =)

I had no idea what shop I was going to work for (since it was through the agency) and I had no idea what sort of job I had to do. So I showed up at 9am, but nobody was there. I kept running around looking and waiting, but no one showed up. The agency wasn’t in the office either, so I had to speak to the night service, who couldn’t help me much. They asked me to wait. So I waited. In the cold. (Actually I just had a coffee in a coffee shop, but it was still very cold!) and at 10am there was still no one at the shop. I finally found the security place for the shop and they said that the shop wouldn’t open till 11am!!! I was so angry! Waiting two hours in the cold… I could have stayed up till midnight and get a bit more sleep! But nooo I had to sit there in the cold waiting.

When I finally got into the shop and started work, it wasn’t bad at all. Time went by quite quickly and the job itself wasn’t bad at all! But I was still dreading the “fight” I’d have to have with the agency the next day to get paid from 9am onwards rather than just 11am!

So at the end of the day my thoughts about 2013 were: horrible/complicated start but rather good end! =D Let’s hope 2013 will really be good! =)

Also, I just spoke to the agency and luckily I didn’t have to argue at all. The night service had spoken to them already so I didn’t have to say much and they said that it was the client’s fault and hopefully I’ll get paid from 9am to 6pm! 🙂
That means it’s a good start to the 2nd day of 2013 as well! ^^

Hope everyone else is having a great start to 2013 as well! 🙂

New Year’s resolutions

First of all: Happy New Year everyone! Hope you had a great new year’s eve and I hope you will have a great year in 2013! 

It’s still a bit weird for me to think that we are actually in 2013 now! Crazy how fast time flies by! I remember when everyone used to say that you’ll be old before you know it and it seemed so silly to me. I couldn’t wait to grow up when I was little. Now I understand. Peter Pan is the dream! Though I suppose some people have to lose something before they can appreciate it. But it’s ok. I’m a little girl in certain things still and am happy to have found a boy who shares this childishness with me! ^^ ( ❤ Tony ) 

But that’s not what I wanted to write about today! Since it’s New Year’s day, New Year’s resolutions have to be made. I never really bothered with them. Never really saw the point in them, since I knew that I wouldn’t follow through with them anyway. 
This year, I’ll do it differently! I actually do believe that I should follow through with two things: Be more present online and be a bit more healthy/fit – aka do more exercise! So why not make these two things my New Year’s resolutions?! =)

The last few weeks – months even – have been a bit manic! But I suppose the Christmas period is manic for everyone! 
I have finally handed in my dissertation, which took me FAR too long to finish (and yet I’m not happy with the results… let’s wait and see what my lecturer thinks!). And so I enjoyed the last two week not having to worry about anything! For the first time since I’ve started Uni, I didn’t have to feel guilty for not doing work. What a strange feeling! So much freedom! So much time. So many things I can do!!! =) From now on it’ll involve lots of blogging and knitting as well (which I’ve neglected for far too long)! 

For now, Good night and Happy New Year once again! =)